“Stronger Together”
If we have learned/experienced one thing over the past six months, it would be that when we come together as a whole, we can accomplish just about anything. As we continue our journey through the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to continue our steadfast determination that has gotten us this far in order to accomplish the overarching educational mission of Regional School Unit 16.
“Stronger Together” is our theme this year. Stronger is the key word, and it has so many different meanings; but the one that stands out when I think of our RSU 16 educational family and what we have endured this last school year is resilient. Resilient is having the flexibility and durability to take on anything that is thrown at you and having the ability to bend, but not break when the unexpected happens. Since we closed down last March, you all have passed the resiliency test with flying colors.
So far, this year has been a year like no other. I suspect the remainder of the year will continue to bring us even more surprises. The one thing I am absolutely confident in, is that no matter what is thrown our way, we will confront and overcome any and all obstacles until we are successful. Through strength of character, self-determination, and sense of community, the RSU 16 family can achieve anything as long as we work together. Stronger together, will be how we live our lives this school year.
I’m so proud to be part of this great organization and so pleased to have all of you back. Have a great school year. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay “Stronger Together”!
"From The Superintendent"
Kenneth J. Healey, RSU #16