1457 Maine Street, Poland, ME 04274
Phone 207-998-5400| Fax 207-998-5060
School Office Hours 7:00-4:00
School Hours 7:40-2:10 (1:10 on Wednesdays)

Mental Health Resources

PRHS School Counselors are able to provide brief, solution-focused counseling to support students as they manage the stress and worries of high school, friends and family.  When a student is facing a bigger challenge or mental health struggles, the school counselors will refer students to other area counselors who can provide more in-depth, long-term counseling. 

PRHS also has a social worker available to all students to provide evidence-based behavioral, social emotional and mental health services.  The ultimate goal is to support students in minimizing barriers which may impact their ability to fully engage in their educational experience.  Social work services are available to all students with referrals often coming from administration, teachers, guardians and/or self-referral.  The PRHS Social Worker will also refer to area counselors/clinicians when needed.

Talking to Children About Violence - National Association of School Psychologists

Tips for Teens Who are Greiving

Center for Grieving Children

Talking to Children About Shootings in the News

Managing Strong Emotional Reactions to Trauma

Relaxation Techniques for Stress Managment

Maine Crisis Hotline & Suicide Prevention:  1-888-568-1112 (Voice) or 711 (Maine Relay) 

The Maine Crisis Hotline helps to stabilize individuals and families while assisting in crisis resolution and action planning. If you are concerned about yourself or about somebody else, call the 24-hour crisis hotline and speak with a trained crisis clinician who can connect you to the closest crisis center.  For more information visit: www.sweetser.org/programs-services/services-for-adults/crisis-services/.  

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: call or text 988 


Crisis Text Line:  text HOME to 741741 

This crisis text line is available 24/7 and you will be connected with a trained counselor.  

Maine Teen Text Line:  (207) 515–8398 (TEXT)

This is designed exclusively for Maine teens ages 14-20 to help connect you to another young adult to talk about your feelings or challenges you may be facing.  This is not a crisis line.  It is open from 12pm - 10pm daily.  You will be connected to a staff member who is 19-23 years old.  

NAMI Helpline:  1-800-464-5767 (Press 1)

The NAMI Helpline is a safe and confidential mental health service for peers, law enforcement, professionals, friends and family members. It provides support, education and advocacy for anyone with questions about mental health concerns. Helpline available Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.
For more information visit: www.namimaine.org or email: helpline@namimaine.org

Trevor Project LGBTQ Crisis Line:  1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678 

 Trained counselors are here to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline.  For more information: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/

Teen Health 101 - reliable, accurate information with simplified terminology and resources catered specifically for the teenage audience.  Find great resources on both physical and mental health topics

Sexaual Assault Helpline:  1-800-871-7741 (Voice) or 711 (Maine Relay) 

Call the 24-hour statewide sexual assault crisis and support line (or text Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm) for confidential services free of charge. For more information visit: www.mecasa.org.  PRHS also has a support from the Sexaual Assault Prevention & Response Services agency.  A Youth Advocate visits PRHS weekly to meet with interested students.

Camp Kita - Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One to Suicide

Camp Kita Website      News Article About Camp Kita   Contact your school counselor for more information on applying to Camp Kita

211 - connect to community-level resources regarding health, mental health, housing, food, addiction and more.  

Access Maine - connect to state-level programs for support with mental health, domestic abuse, food, housing, child care and more

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