1457 Maine Street, Poland, ME 04274
Phone 207-998-5400| Fax 207-998-5060
School Office Hours 7:00-4:00
School Hours 7:40-2:10 (1:10 on Wednesdays)


High school students can take up to 12 college credits (typically 4 classes) at any public Maine college for FREE!  Students are only responsible for the cost of books.  This is a great opportunity to take a class that we don't offer at PRHS, to see what college is really like and to get a jumpstart on earning college credits.  Classes are offered both in-person and online.  If you are interested, please be sure to talk with your counselor before registering!

University of Maine System or the Maine Community College System

Husson University

  • You can take up to 6 credits per semester (typically 2 classes)- even if you are taking classes within the UMaine or MCC System.
  • Click here to search and register for a course

Bates College

  • Bates Early College Program offers free college classes to local high school seniors.  This is a competitive program that requires an application which includes a short written response about why you want to take classes at Bates.  TWO recommendation letters are requried: one from a teacher and one from your counselor.  Deadline:  TBA for 2025 - typically mid-May.

Check in with your counselor if you are interested in looking at early college opportunites at other colleges/universities.


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