The registration process must be done by contacting the school in the town where the student resides.
- Poland residents, Grades PK-6th, Poland Community School, (207) 998-4915
- Mechanic Falls residents, Grades PK-6th, Elm Street School, (207) 345-3381
- Minot residents, Grades PK-6th, Minot Consolidated School, (207) 346-6471
- Mechanic Falls, Minot and Poland residents, Grades 7th & 8th, Bruce M. Whittier Middle School, (207) 998-3462
- Poland Regional High School, Mechanic Falls, Minot and Poland residents, Grades 9th-12th, (207) 998-5400
Schools will have registration packets for parents to complete. You must bring proof of residence with you when you register your child. Proof of residence includes any one of the following:
- A copy of your lease;
- Fuel bill;
- Electric bill;
- Tax bill;
- Deed for your property.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Eligibility Form
Parents may also contact Jean McNally, District Registrar, at the Central Office for information regarding registration. Her contact number is (207) 998-2727, ext. 111 or you can reach her via email at
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