3 Aggregate Road, Poland, ME 04274
Phone 207.998.2727 | Fax 207.998.2753

Multilingual Learners (ML)

Multilingual learners are students with a primary or home language other than English who are in the process of learning the English language. They bring many valuable assets with them to school, and we leverage those assets through individualized support and academic opportunities throughout their instructional day provided by their teachers, An ML certified staff member, and other resource staff.

The Maine Department of Education supports schools with resources, guidance, and professional learning regarding strategies for teaching and assessment, educational equity, state and federal policies, and many other related topics.

Click Here to Visit the Maine DOE's Website

Maine Department of Education Contacts for questions

Jane Armstrong
ESOL State Specialist
Email: Jane.Armstrong@maine.gov

Melanie Junkins
Multilingual and Bilingual Education Specialist
Email: Melanie.Junkins@maine.gov 

Mechelle Ganglfinger
Alternate and English Language Proficiency Assessments Coordinator
Email: Mechelle.Ganglfinger@maine.gov

Information on MaineCare for families:
Individuals can apply for MaineCare by going to MyMaineConnection.gov.  This website is in English.  If there are individuals that need to apply and do not speak English, they can contact us by phone at 1-855-797-4357 or go into a local DHHS office to apply for MaineCare, and they will be happy to get a translator to help with the conversation to  enroll.

District's LAU Plan: click here

English - The handouts below explain what WIDA Alternate ACCESS is and why students take this kind of assessment.
Portuguese - Os folhetos abaixo explicam o que é o WIDA Alternate ACCESS e por que os alunos fazem esse tipo de avaliação.
Spanish - Los folletos a continuación explican qué es WIDA Alternate ACCESS y por qué los estudiantes toman este tipo de evaluación.
Arabic - تشرح المنشورات أدناه ما هو WIDA Alternate ACCESS ولماذا يخضع الطلاب لهذا النوع من التقييم.

Do you need paperwork translated? Google Translate 

Here you can upload PDFs of all paperwork and the whole document can be translated into many different languages at the click of a button.

If you are a teacher of an ML student and you know that the ML's guardians or parents do not speak English, here is a link to quickly help:   


ML Standards

What is WIDA? 
WIDA stands for World-class Instructional Design and Assessment, and is a consortium of states that works to improve English language development and achievement for students who are not native English speakers

WIDA RESOURCES: https://wida.wisc.edu/resources

Click here to access The WIDA Can Do Descriptors by Grade Span (a tool to help you meet students where they are in their language development)

Click the link below to access some reading materials:
Language Identification card: click here

It is important for teachers and parents of MLs to understand there are stages to the second language acquisition process. The chart below provides an overview of each stage.

Source and beneficial resource: https://www.colorincolorado.org/article/language-acquisition-overview


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