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Futures Task Force

The RSU 16 Futures Task Force is committed to its mission of crafting and presenting recommendations to the School Board at their September 2023 Board meeting. These recommendations are focused on achieving cost savings, addressing RSU 16 issues, and most importantly, upholding the quality of education for our students.

We acknowledge the substantial challenges that lie before us, and the Task Force is fully engaged in the process of making informed decisions. Our goal is to ensure that every step we take benefits the entire RSU 16 educational community.

Task Force membership: Todd Sanders, Amy Hediger, Erik Anderson, Shawn Vincent, Jessica Madsen, Kaitlynn Brown, Brandi Comeau, Jenny Rose, Jo St Peter, John Hawley, Jacque Russo, Jennifer Gagnon, D'Arcy Robinson, Steve Robinson, Brittany Hemond, Robert Klar, Terri Arsenault, Randy Lautz, Angela Swenson, Elizabeth Martin, Emily Rinchich, Mary Martin.


What Research Has the Task Force Completed?

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