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RSU 16 School Board Goals (2024-2025)

November 6, 2024


RSU 16 envisions keeping existing facilities at desired levels of operation while creating avenues for innovative spaces and program expansion.

  • 1 A well-funded, maintained and shared Strategic Plan and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
  • 2 Regular collaborative work between the RSU 16 Director of Operations and the School Board Operation Sub-Committee.
  • 3 Identify current facility needs and appropriate avenues for maintenance and enhancement of infrastructure.

Developing and maintaining a shared Strategic Plan and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to guide the district’s infrastructure needs. This plan will encompass a comprehensive 5-year projection, addressing current facility demands, with the objective of completing 80% of the identified projects within the plan's timeframe. The planning process will incorporate collaboration with stakeholders, including school board members and the community, to ensure alignment with both immediate and long-term infrastructure requirements. An annual review of the plan will be conducted to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments.


RSU 16 and the community will be a partnership working hand in hand to support student and community growth.
CC 4 School and community work together on the development of a community relations and media plan.

Creating a comprehensive plan for community relations and media outreach that includes both internal and external stakeholders. This goal aims to enhance community engagement by sharing school-related news, events, and staff highlights through social media, local newspapers, newsletters, and panel forums or roundtables. By leveraging established media outlets and communication channels, the district seeks to foster trust and transparency with the community. This plan is targeted for completion and operational implementation by March 2025.


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