Dates of Meeting | Personnel Finance | Educational Policy | Operations |
5:00 Personnel & Finance Members: Christina DeSantis, Steve Turner, Mary Martin, Mike Downing, Sarah Robinson | 5:30 Educational Policy Members: Melanie Harvey, Emily Rinchich, Joe Parent, Elizabeth Martin, Andrea Winn | 6:00 Operations Members: Jessica Smith, Patrick Irish, Steve Holbrook, Randy Lautz, Angela Swenson | |
June 24, 2024 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
July 29, 2024 | Minutes | ||
August 26, 2024 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
September 23, 2024 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
October 28, 2024 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
November 25, 2024 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
December - None | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
January 27, 2025 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
February 24, 2025 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
March 24, 2025 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
April 28, 2025 | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
May 19, 2025 (Holiday on 26th ) |
Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
June 23, 2025 - If needed | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes | Agenda / Minutes |
The Educational Policy Subcommittee is responsible for curriculum, public relations (oversight of Strategic Plan) and educational policy.
The Personnel & Finance Subcommittee is responsible for monthly budget review, negotiations, stipends, human resources (i.e. insurance, hiring, and salaries).
The Operations (Facilities and Transportation) Subcommittee is responsible for capital improvement planning, short and long range building projects, safety, bids and contracts associated with facilities and transportation.
Operating Procedures
- All sub-committees shall be comprised of less than a majority of the Board.
- At the first committee meeting of the school year, each committee will select a chair, review the responsibilities of the committee, and identify related goals and objectives in the Strategic Plan.
- Committees will make recommendations to the RSU 16 School Board, but may not act for the Board. A weighted vote will be used vote on these recommendations. Votes at the committee level will not be weighted because the actions are recommendations to the RSU 16 Board.
- The Board Chair and Superintendent shall be ex-officio (non-voting) members of all committees.
- Each RSU 16 School Board member will be assigned to a committee by the Board Chair.
- Separate committees, such as Negotiations and Budget, will report back to the appropriate sub-committee.
Committee Roles
- Committee Chair: The Committee Chair will collaborate with the Superintendent to create the agenda, facilitate the committee meeting, review written minutes, and report to the RSU 16 School Board at the monthly meeting.
- Committee Members: Committee members should be present and participate in meetings, provide agenda suggestions, and vote on recommendations.
- RSU 16 School Committee Members: All members of the Board are encouraged to attend any committee meeting, to participate in the discussion, and suggest action or agenda items. Non-committee members will not vote on recommendations at committee meetings.
- The Superintendent: The Superintendent will work collaboratively with the Committee Chair to establish agendas. The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent will participate in all committee meetings and be non-voting members of each committee.
- Other: RSU 16 employees, such as curriculum coordinator, facility and transportation personnel, and administrators, may attend committee meeting regularly to provide information and participate in discussions.
Committee Agendas /Minutes
- Each agenda item will be assigned to a specific person who will present the item and provide informational materials. The person addressing an agenda item may be a committee member or a person invited to address a specific topic.
- The Superintendent will take notes and provide written minutes to the Chair of each committee
- Welcome Brochure
- Meeting Dates and Minutes/Videos
- Meet the Board
- District Policies
- Current School Board News
- Board Goals
- Strategic Plan
- Strategic Plan At-A-Glance
- Subcommittees
- Archived Agendas & Minutes
- Archived Subcommittee Minutes & Agenda
- Administrative Updates
- Friends of RSU 16
- Friends of RSU 16 Meeting Dates
- Public Relations and Engagement Committee
- Cost Sharing Committee
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