3 Aggregate Road, Poland, ME 04274
Phone 207.998.2727 | Fax 207.998.2753


Community collaboration and communication is one of the five goals identified in the RSU 16 Strategic Plan.  The purpose of Friends of RSU16 is outlined in the Strategic Plan as “public representatives to help shape and monitor district efforts to communicate and engage the public”. Friends of RSU 16 provides feedback to the administration and the Board on topics such as budget, district goals, policies, programs, and current issues.  Through open communication, the group seeks to build trust and serve as a positive link between the communities and the schools. 
Friends of RSU 16 meet on the second Friday of the month in the Elm Street School conference room from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. The agenda includes a student presentation, an educational presentation, and a group discussion of timely topics.  Citizens interested in learning more about RSU 16 schools, witnessing inspiring student presentations, and promoting a culture of collaboration are encouraged to attend meetings. 
For more information contact Mary Martin at mmartin@rsu16.org.

2023-24 Upcoming Meeting Dates

2nd Thursday of the Month

ESS Conference Room - 9:00am-10:00am


Date  minutes

September 14th

Friends of RSU 16 Sept 14 Slides

October 12th

No meeting held 
November 9th Minutes

December 14th

No meeting held  

January 11th



 No meeting held

March 14th


April 11th


May 9th


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