Adult High School Diploma
Students are able to build on previously earned high school credits to earn an RSU 16 Adult Education Diploma.
HiSet Preparation & Testing
Similar to the GED, the HiSET Exam measures learning in the areas of Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies and Math. Preparation classes, predictor tests and official exams are free.
Career Exploration & Planning
Job search strategies, the application process, and interview skills are practiced after students are guided through research aimed at identifying personal interests and aptitudes.
Adult Basic Literacy
Working with our Literacy Tutor, students improve reading, math and language skills. Citizenship and workplace exam preparation are also offered.
Computer Classes
From computer basics and keyboarding to Microsoft applications and Google Docs, 6-8 week sessions are offered four times a year.
College Transitions
When preparing for success in their college experience, students may choose to participate in targeted instruction or our formal 14-week course.
Community Enrichment
Advertised through our course brochures, we offer classes geared toward personal interests, which may include Hobbies, Fitness, Safety, free information sessions and more!

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