3 Aggregate Road, Poland, ME 04274
Phone 207.998.2727 | Fax 207.998.2753

School Board Members

Name Town Term Contact
Email all members via school-board@rsu16.org
Mary Martin (Chair) Mechanic Falls Expires 2025 mmartin@rsu16.org
Joe Parent Poland Expires 2026 jparent@rsu16.org
Steve Turner Mechanic Falls Expires 2026 sturner@rsu16.org
Melanie Harvey Poland Expires 2025 mharvey@rsu16.org
Emily Rinchich Poland Expires 2027 erinchich@rsu16.org
Mike Downing Minot Expires 2027 mdowning@rsu16.org
Stephen Holbrook Minot Expires 2025 207-786-5645
Angela Swenson Minot Expires 2027 aswenson@rsu16.org
Sarah Robinson Minot Expires 2025 srobinson@rsu16.org
Elizabeth Martin Minot Expires 2026 emartin@rsu16.org
Randy Lautz Poland Expires 2026 rlautz@rsu16.org
Patrick Irish (Vice Chair) Mechanic Falls Expires 2027 pirish@rsu16.org
Andrea Winn Mechanic Falls Expires 2025 awinn@rsu16.org
Jessica Smith Mechanic Falls Expires 2025 jsmith@rsu16.org
Christina DeSantis Poland Expires 2027 cdesantis@rsu16.org
Emma MacMahon Student Rep. Graduating 2025 25emacmahon@rsu16.org

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