3 Aggregate Road, Poland, ME 04274
Phone 207.998.2727 | Fax 207.998.2753

Futures Task Force

May 31, 2023

New Items:

  • Used Ronald Heifetz work on Technical vs Adaptive challenges to change. Technical - problem, solution and implementation is clear. Adaptive takes a collective group to learn towards solutions.
  • Reviewed RSU 16 Issues shared at Staff Brainstorm, Community Forum and Budget Meeting

Teacher shortage - difficulty filling open positions with fully certified teachers, Class sizes are inequitable across the three elementary schools, Transportation/Driver shortage - canceled bus routes, Increase in salaries due to contract negotiations, Aging buildings (including our “newest” 23-year old HS/MS), Title I services and Title I comparability, Rising cost of everything, Needs of our students

  • Hopped in a “time machine” to fast forward to June 2024 to predict obstacles the Task force overcame from June 2023 - June 2024.  A plan and communication are key, as member Bob Klar said, “10% concept and 90% communication”

Revisited Items:

  • Referred to the Tuckman Model of Team Development to recognize that we are in the “Forming Stage” which means we are getting to know each other, beginning to recognize our common goal, and should expect low productivity in this stage
  • Referred to our qualities of High Performing Teams to create personal intentions for ourselves, such as “trust the process”, “go slow to go fast”, “be open to solutions you haven’t considered”
  • Reminded the Ladder of Inference (Chris Argyris) to use as our framework to make thinking visible and inquire into someone else's thinking before drawing a conclusion too quickly.

We are reading: Our Iceberg is Melting by John Kotter - Penguins discover a devastating problem threatening their home.  A fable of resistance to change and heroic action by the penguin colony.
*I have 10 extra copies available if you would like to sign one out.*

Adaptive Technical Change
Poster 1
Poster 2
Poster 3

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