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Election Day Message

Election Day

Happy Election Day.  Hopefully everyone has already or has plans to vote by the end of today.

Given the national focus on the presidential election and the varied campaigning tactics we have seen over the last year, it is important to remind each other of the importance of acceptance and respecting each other’s personal and political opinions.  

Educators have historically set the standard for civil debate and accepting individual opinions on all sorts of topics.  Elections provide us a great opportunity to allow our students to discuss and explore differing political positions.  These discussions have great value but should be monitored carefully to ensure all our students' voices are heard and respected in a safe classroom environment.  Educators know their role during these discussions is as a facilitator, remaining neutral, while allowing respectful and appropriate participation about the ongoing issues that are important to all Americans.

Civility and respect need to be the cornerstone of any public education classroom discussions about any election, political, or divisive topics.  Please encourage debate and civil discussion in your classroom today and in the aftermath of this election. We are the role models our students need and rely on.  Stay “Strong Together”.


Ken Healey

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