3 Aggregate Road, Poland, ME 04274
Phone 207.998.2727 | Fax 207.998.2753

2025-2026 Budget Documents


School Board: Mary Martin, Andrea Winn, Angela Swenson, Jessica Smith, Mike Downing, Emily Rinchich
Town Officials: Poland - Lisa Albee, Minot - Lisa Cesare, Mechanic Falls - Paula Stotts
RSU 16 Administration: Stacie Field, Amy Hediger
date agenda video full materials packet
All meetings are at the PRHS/WMS cafeteria
January 8, 2025: Kick-Off Meeting, 6–8 PM Agenda Video Packet
March 4, 2025: Meeting #1, 6–8 PM      
March 12, 2025: Meeting #2, 6–8 PM      

March 19, 2025: Meeting #3, 6–8 PM 

April 9, 2025: Meeting #4, 6–8 PM      

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